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What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0, also known as Smart Industry, Smart Factory, Autonomous Factories or Smart Healthcare, offers the opportunity for a digital transformation within a company. It involves connecting and optimising (work) processes, technologies and human factors through far-reaching digitalisation. The result? You gain a better understanding of your operations and can respond more quickly to changes and developments.

Within Industry 4.0, we ensure that production processes are optimised using information technology (ICT) and new technologies. This makes production more efficient, cheaper and of higher quality. We integrate smarter machines, robots and other components into the production process so that they communicate and work together seamlessly. And not only within your organisation, but also between different companies in the value chain, we encourage collaboration for synergies.

Perfact Industry 4.0 Scan

With our Perfact Industrie 4.0 Scan we determine where your organisation stands and what opportunities exist in the field of Industrie 4.0. Our scan analyzes various aspects, such as leadership, culture, people, organisation and technology. Based on this analysis, we develop a solid Industry 4.0 strategy with concrete project proposals that perfectly match your maturity and ambitions.

We believe in the power of small, manageable pilots with clear objectives and business cases. These pilots serve as testing grounds for further implementations and scaling of technologies. We are also looking ahead to future replacement projects, with digital elements becoming an integral part of the scope.

Our consultants focus on the following essential components of Industry 4.0 to achieve your successful transition:

  1. Leadership: It all starts with leadership. We support in determining the added value of the Industry 4.0 journey and help you develop an appropriate strategy.
  2. Culture: The right culture is crucial to a successful digital transition. We look at your employees’ willingness to embrace new technologies and act data-driven.
  3. People: Engaging employees at all levels is essential for success. We pay attention to change management and look at the available capacity in relation to your ambitions.
  4. Organisation: In addition to automating production and work processes, we help you tune processes and machines (connected machines) and add artificial intelligence to enable autonomous action.
  5. Technology: We use advanced technologies such as Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Smart sensors, Edge & Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (including machine learning), Predictive analytics, Digital Twins, Augmented, Virtual, Mixed reality, Robotics, drones, and Blockchain.
  6. Communication: Making information available through apps, dashboards and systems is an important aspect of digitisation. We provide the right “user interfaces” to match the needs and roles within your organisation.

We think with you

As a consulting firm specialising in Industry 4.0, we are the partner to guide your organisation through all phases of the digital transition. From consulting and training to the implementation of hardware and software, we remain your point of contact throughout the process. With our experience in various industries and our thorough approach through the Industrie 4.0 Scan, we make the difference. Your future-proofing is assured by our sound strategy and implementation of innovative technologies, so that your organisation is ready for the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution.

Ask Maurice all about Industrie 4.0 or schedule a scan!

Maurice Jilderda | Business Development Manager Industry 4.0

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