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On Friday 30 September, our very first Knowledge Event for our clients and partners took place. An event where, above all, we wanted to inspire, share knowledge and connect. Our clients were unanimous: this knowledge event was a resounding success.

“The only wisdom that really counts is knowing that you know nothing.” A quote from Socrates and which we started our invitation with a few months ago. Alluding to the fact that no matter how much knowledge we possess, we cannot predict the future and therefore do not actually know anything… How do we deal with change in this current digital and technological age? That topic was the main focus of the knowledge event.


Our inspiring speaker Stephan van den Broek, co-author of the book ‘Management of Singularity’, which was the best-selling management book in the Netherlands for months, enthusiastically kicked off the event. The concept of singularity implies that humans are no longer able to understand computers and robots and that computers actually exceed human intelligence. With current technological developments, this is closer than ever. “We are in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution, but the 5th is actually already upon us. It is no longer about the speed of change but the change of speed. As a result, traditional management systems actually no longer fit in these current times and the way organisations are organised is not flexible enough to respond to changes,” Stephan points out.

At the round table

So how are organisations dealing with current changes in this digital age? What are they doing with this and what are they running into? During round table sessions in the second part of the event, where some of our clients acted as table guest, we focused on these questions. The table guests were accompanied and interviewed by Wim Raaijen, editor-in-chief at Industrielinqs and, in this set-up, host of the event. Because of the diversity of table guests, there was also a variety of topics that came up for discussion. Each table guest had his or her own reasons for adapting to the change with accompanying speed. Many creative interpretations were shared. “Often the need prompts us to think differently and be creative in finding solutions,” said Yvonne Paulussen, Director of Change at Vekoma and one of the table guests. “It was an interesting meeting and good to hear from others within the industry what they face and how they deal with this,” Yvonne continued.

The event ended with an informal closing at our bar ‘De Heeren van Abshoven’, where everyone had the opportunity to talk about the event or make a connection. “It was an inspiring event where especially the speaker Stephan gave food for thought. Afterwards, it was nice to learn more about how other organisations act and deal with certain topics. Nice to connect with each other like that,” said one of our clients Daniel Kappes of Thomas Regout International who participated in this event.